Thursday, October 22, 2015

Ronda Rousey

Ronda Rousey's first loss was a very big deal in the sports media, in her fighting career she has not lost a single match or even had competition. Ronda Rousey is known for knocking her opponents out very quickly and just dominating the match. This time around though things went the opposite she got completely dominated for the whole 2 rounds she was awake and able to fight. This was a major shock to anyone who was watching or knows who Ronda Rousey is.

The fight was on November 14th, against Holly Holm. before the fight Rousey was confident she was going to win this fight there wasn't a doubt in her mind she could be beaten. Her record coming into this fight was 12-0 while holly holms was 10-0 so both fighters our very good and everybody knew this was going to be a very good fight to watch. But lately in sports media there has been so much hype around Rousey that nobody could picture her losing. She is also vey cocky she got into an argument with boxing legend Floyd Mayweather and told him she could knock him out.

Rousey has not had fighting as her top priority in recent weeks leading up to the fight she has been more interested in the media and starring on TV shows and in movies. This fight could have woken her up and made her realize she can be beaten and she's not the best anymore. This fight should've woken her up and made her want to train more and become the best. Hopefully there will be a rematch between these 2 top fighters and it should be an even better fight to watch. I don't know who will win but it should be fun to watch.

1 comment:

  1. That's some crystal ball you got to predict this loss way back on Oct. 22.
